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Thursday, August 21, 2014

Pumpkin Puree

Pumpkin Puree

Looking forward to fall!! We love pumpkin pie year round! So here is what I do.
Aside from the obvious use in pumpkin pie, it comes in handy for pumpkin bread, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin dip .. pumpkin smoothies… you get the idea...
I use small to medium pumpkins
*cut the tops off... then cut them in half.. and then in quarters
*clean the insides... KEEP the seeds cause you are gonna want to roast those...
*place on a cookie sheet rind side up bake in the oven at 350 for 45 to 60 min... check every so often cause when the fork goes through easily they are done.
*let cool just a bit.. then peel the rind off use a spoon and scoop it or a knife and remove from the back.. which ever you are comfortable with.
*Cut into chunks and place in a food processor or blender.. If pumpkin is dry add a tablespoon or two of water... process till smooth and all strings and pumpkin pieces are gone..
*I place mine in freezer baggies I put 2 cups in each one...
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